What causes body odor? Why do some people have such strong body odor? Siriraj doctors clearly explain.

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What causes body odor? Why do some people have such strong body odor ? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charasri Leeyaphan, Department of Dermatology. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, provides knowledge about body odor and tells how to prevent it. 

What causes body odor? Why do some people have such strong body odor? Siriraj doctors clearly explain.

What causes body odor?

Dr. Charassri explained that body odor can be divided into two types: body odor that comes from scent glands and body odor that comes from sweat glands.

  • Scent glands are located in areas of the body, such as the armpits or genitals, which begin to function when we are teenagers. Normally, scent glands produce a substance that is odorless, but when they come into contact with bacteria on the surface, they produce odor.
  • Sweat glands are scattered throughout the body. When we eat certain foods or suffer from certain diseases, it may cause the sweaty areas to smell.

Body odor indicates disease

What diseases can cause body odor?

  • First, if you are someone who suffers from hyperhidrosis or someone who has increased sweat in their hands, feet, or armpits, it may also cause increased body odor.
  • Second, diseases that are caused by bacterial infections of the skin. It can be observed that our feet, in addition to smelling, may have holes or not. If there are, it may be a disease called smelly feet with holes.
  • Thirdly  , there are internal diseases that may cause us to have body odor, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or certain genetic diseases.

How to deal with strong body odor

Don’t want body odor? How to prevent it?  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jarassri explains that the most important way to prevent body odor is to maintain hygiene, such as the skin โปรโมชั่น ufabet area, we need to shower twice a day, including using soap that helps kill germs, reduce bacteria and reduce body odor. Another thing is reducing sweat. If you don’t wear damp clothes, don’t stay in hot conditions or use antiperspirants, it will help reduce body odor.

However, if you still have severe body odor, you may need to see a doctor to find out the disease that causes body odor or bacterial infection. Which requires medication. Therefore, if you still have severe body odor after maintaining good hygiene, you should see a specialist.