10 foods to slow down aging. Eat every day. Tighten your skin to be beautiful and youthful.

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Age 30 but wanting to maintain the firmness of the skin like the early 20s can be done by eating foods that contribute to anti-aging. Today, we have gathered all 10 types of food that girls aged 3 should eat if they want to have firm, firm, and healthy looking skin. Let’s follow ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.com and read.

10 foods to slow down aging. Eat every day. Tighten your skin to be beautiful and youthful.

1. Marine fish
Marine fish, whether salmon or tuna. All are rich in protein. High in omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, which are essential nutrients for the body. Especially young women aged 30, which is the age when the cartilage begins to deteriorate. It also helps reduce inflammation around the cartilage. as well as helping to tighten the skin well

2. Eggs
Although eggs are high in cholesterol But it is classified as good cholesterol that is beneficial to the body. If taken in the right amount, it will help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. thus reducing the risk of heart disease as well

3. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are low-calorie foods. It is also rich in antioxidants, fiber and iron, all of which help slow down aging. Nourish your skin to be healthy. Help in the matter of excretion. and also stimulate the production of red blood cells as well

4. Chili
paste Usually eaten with boiled vegetables. The chili paste is a food that stimulates the circulatory system. and helps reduce fat and blood sugar levels as well It also contains fish which helps nourish cartilage. Plus a variety of nutrients from boiled vegetables as well.

Cereals Cereals contain a variety of nutrients such as protein, minerals, fiber and vitamins. It also has many positive effects on physical health.

6. Soybean

Soybeans contain isoflavones. which is a substance whose structure is similar to the hormone estrogen Because when you get older Estrogen levels in the body will decrease. As a result, the bone mass is reduced and the skin is not firm. Therefore, eating soy can replace the estrogen hormone that the body has lost.

7. Greek yogurt
Why does it have to be Greek Yogurt? That’s because this type of yogurt is rich in B vitamins, potassium, calcium and protein, and is also a food that helps to stimulate metabolism and nourish the body as well.

8. Ginger juice
Ginger helps the blood flow more easily. Helps relieve body aches. as well as helping to reduce menstrual pain It also stimulates the functioning of the digestive system. Reduce distension and help relieve flatulence as well

Cow’s milk Cow’s milk is high in calcium. and should choose to drink skimmed milk or low-fat milk because usually the body in the thirties Is the age when the body needs calcium on average about 1,000 – 1,200 milligrams per day. Because calcium helps build strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis itself.

10. Green tea
According to a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, drinking 3 cups of concentrated green tea a day reduced the risk of osteoporosis by as much as 30%. Should drink ready-to-drink green tea sold at convenience stores. because it has been added with sugar or already flavored

In addition to young women in their thirties, they must focus on eating food as mentioned above. To resist aging and to tighten the skin to look healthy then. What should not be overlooked is Eating food each day to complete all 5 food groups, along with drinking plenty of water. Including regular exercise on a daily basis would certainly have a positive effect on the health of the body in the thirties